What Does Hygiene in Drainage System mean to you?

Maintaining Hygiene at the place where we live always remains our top priority to lead a healthy life.

Washing Hand, Brushing Teeth, Bathing, etc. are few of the common methods through which we maintain personal hygiene. Apart from these activities, which are under individual control, maintaining hygiene in your building’s drainage system is equally important to avoid serious health issues.

In the old days people used to construct toilets away from the living area. Before entering the living space, they used to properly clean their hands and feet. The idea of keeping toilets away from living space was to avoid entry of any kind of viruses or pathogens in living space and to maintain hygiene.   

However, with the rise of urban population and increasing property costs our living spaces are getting contracted and our toilets are now part of living space. In this scenario it should be our topmost priority to maintain proper hygiene in drainage system to avoid any health Issue.

A building plumbing system consists of Water and Drainage line. There are various products used in water supply lines. One of the most common products used in India for water supply is cPvc (Off white color), because of its tolerance to carry hot water. We should ensure that the water supply line is installed in a proper way to avoid any chance of leakage, which leads to contamination.

Now a days Municipal corporations are laying regulations for the use of STP to recycle wastewater and further this recycled water can be commonly used for toilet Flushing or Gardening. In a building both freshwater pipe & wastewater pipe runs parallelly. While installing water supply pipes we should ensure that proper marking is done on pipes for easy identification to avoid any cross connections.

To discharge household waste, we use drainage pipe (Grey color). This becomes important to have a properly designed drainage system so that the waste can be transported to the sewage line without any blockage and can protect from entry of sewer gases into our premises.

In a building, individual toilets are connected to the main drainage line through a trap which has water seal. This water seal acts as a barrier to prevent entry of sewer gases into our premises. To lead a healthy life this becomes important to maintain a certain level of water seal inside the trap.

Today, to cut down the cost and without proper knowledge people just use any trap. Next time whenever you are constructing your building, please talk to your consultant about the kind of trap they are proposing to maintain water seal, properly.

With a simple step and awareness, It can lead to a better hygiene in your living space.


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